Portaliniai radiacijos monitoriai

Portaliniai radiacijos monitoriai yra didelio masto radiacijos aptikimo sistemos, naudojamos transporto priemonių, krovinių ir asmenų patikrai įvairiuose kontrolės punktuose, tokiuose kaip sienos kirtimo punktai, uostai, oro uostai ir kituose. Pagrindinis portalinių radiacijos monitorių tikslas – aptikti ir užkirsti kelią neteisėtam radioaktyviųjų medžiagų, tokių kaip branduolinių ginklų komponentai ar radiologinės „nešvarios bombos“, gabenimui.

PoliGate™ Deployable RPM

PoliGate™ Deployable RPM

Recommended On order

Gamma-only model transported in plastic protective cases and designed for fast deployment.

Deployable RPM Vehicle RPM Pedestrian & Luggage RPM
poligate light g

PoliGate™ Light G1 RPM

On order

Lightweight one-sided model equipped with one gamma detector.

Vehicle RPM Pedestrian & Luggage RPM
poligate light g

PoliGate™ Light G2 RPM

On order

Lightweight double-sided model equipped with two gamma detectors.

Vehicle RPM
poligate light g4

PoliGate™ Light G4 RPM

On order

Lightweight double-sided model equipped with four gamma detectors.

Vehicle RPM
poligate vehicle g2

PoliGate™ Vehicle G2 RPM

On order

Double-sided gamma model equipped with two gamma detectors.

Vehicle RPM
poligate vehicle g4

PoliGate™ Vehicle G4 RPM

On order

Double-sided gamma model equipped with four gamma detectors.

Vehicle RPM
poligate vehicle g4n4

PoliGate™ Vehicle G4N4 RPM

On order

Double-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with four gamma and four neutron detectors.

Vehicle RPM
poligate pedestrian g1

PoliGate™ Pedestrian G1 RPM

On order

One-sided gamma model equipped with one (11L) gamma detector.

Pedestrian & Luggage RPM
poligate pedestrian g2

PoliGate™ Pedestrian G2 RPM

On order

Double-sided gamma model equipped with two (11L each) gamma detectors.

Pedestrian & Luggage RPM
poligate pedestrian g1

PoliGate™ Pedestrian GN1 RPM

On order

One-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with one gamma (6.6L) and one neutron detector.

Pedestrian & Luggage RPM
poligate pedestrian g2

PoliGate™ Pedestrian GN2 RPM

On order

Double-sided gamma-neutron model equipped with two gamma (6.6L each) and two neutron detectors.

Pedestrian & Luggage RPM